When Can We Get Judge Magister Again

The self-proclaimed guardians of law and club in Archadia. They're the Elite Guard of Firm Solidor. Which effectively makes them the commanders of the Imperial Army.


The Archadian Judges in Final Fantasy XII are the de facto guardians of law and order in the Archadian Empire, making them in upshot the nation's Supreme Court, and commanders of the Archadian military. They are also the elite guards of House Solidor, the Archadian ruling family unit. Judges are referred to as "your honor" by both outsiders and each other.


  • one Profile
  • 2 List of Judges
    • two.ane Judge Magisters
      • two.i.1 Active
      • 2.i.2 Inactive
    • 2.2 Judges
  • 3 Gameplay
  • iv Musical themes
  • 5 Other appearances
    • 5.1 Final Fantasy Record Keeper
    • five.2 Mobius Final Fantasy
    • 5.3 Final Fantasy Trading Card Game
  • vi Behind the scenes
  • 7 Merchandise
  • 8 Gallery
  • ix References

Profile [ ]

Artwork by Yoshitaka Amano.

The Archadian Judges are a special club of knights under the Imperial Archadian Ministry of Law. With the spread of Archadian influence came a ascension in crime and regional conflicts. To reduce the amount of time required by judicial process, Business firm Solidor introduced a military courtroom, this being the origin of the Order of Judges. They are the supreme enforcers of Archadian law in the world of Ivalice. Each wields boggling legal power in his or her ain right over lower-ranked Archadian officers. The higher-ranked Judge Magisters, in improver to functioning as chief arbiters and enforcers of Archadian law, are too the aristocracy baby-sit of House Solidor which finer makes them the commanders of the Imperial Army.

The Judge Magisters wield both magickal and concrete ability. They are called on sometimes to guard high profile people, such as Princess Ashe or Lord Larsa. They are also sent on the about sensitive and important missions, such equally retrieving the Dusk Shard or the Sword of Kings.

Approximate Magisters are always seen in full plate armor and are rarely seen with their helmets off. Each Judge Magister has a unique conform of armor with complex helmet ornamentation, usually including horns. All known Estimate Magisters are humes, and Judge Gabranth one time states to Ba'Gamnan that the Archadian Empire only employs humes in their military. The Judges are called past their championship and surname, such as Foris Zecht being known as "Judge Zecht". Judge Gabranth took his proper name from his mother's maiden name to distinguish himself from his twin after Archadia annexed their country.

List of Judges [ ]

Judge Magisters [ ]

The portraits of the Guess Magisters. All are portrayed except Gabranth. The top two are different profiles of Bergan.

This is a list of Judges, currently active and inactive from the offset of Concluding Fantasy XII.

Active [ ]

  • Estimate Bergan - Judge Magister of the Archadian Imperial Army and director of the second Bureau. He is killed by the party atop Mt Bur-Omisace, unable to command the manufacted nethicite grafted into his bones.
  • Guess Drace - Besides beingness Judge Magister, she also serves as mentor and mother figure to Lord Larsa. She is killed every bit a test of Gabranth's loyalty to Vayne when she accuses Vayne of killing his male parent. She is the but female person Judge Magister.
  • Judge Gabranth - Judge Magister of the 9th Bureau, which is primarily concerned with the gathering and dissemination of information. His true proper noun is Noah fon Ronsenburg, the twin brother of Basch fon Ronsenburg, and has a personal vendetta against him. Later Gabranth dies his post is taken by his brother Basch.
  • Guess Ghis - Officiant of the 13th Agency and commander of the Dreadnought Leviathan, the flagship of the 8th Fleet of the Western Fleet. He despises Vayne and after capturing the Dawn Shard begins plotting to take the crown for himself. He pays for his hubris when the Leviathan implodes later on he tests the Dawn Shard in its engine.
  • Judge Zargabaath - Captain of the Alexander, flagship of the 12th Dalmascan Fleet of the Archadian Army. Zargabaath is the only Judge Magister to survive the events of the game.

Inactive [ ]

  • Judge Zecht - Judge Zecht was sent on a mission to Nabudis to test the Midlight Shard. The results were catastrophic, wiping out the capital and covering the surface area in a thick Mist. After, he quit the Archadian armed forces and was assumed missing, probably dead, and is considered "a great man" by several of the other Judges. Ii years later, Judge Gabranth finds the wayward Judge, posing every bit a heaven pirate called Reddas. Zecht sacrifices himself to destroy the Sun-Cryst, redeeming himself of his previous atrocities.

Judges [ ]

Guess Hausen.

  • Ffamran - Appointed Gauge by Dr Cid, Ffamran only served the Archadian military machine for a short fourth dimension. Due to Cid'due south growing madness he ran away, changed his proper noun to "Balthier" and became a heaven pirate. Ffamran was never a Judge Magister.
  • Hausen - Judge of the Archadian empire, Hausen is Larsa Solidor's bodyguard while he treks to the state of the garif in Kerwon, Jahara. Not much is known most this Estimate, apart from the fact that he is a male person hume. The party merely encounters him if they double-back to Jahara and speak to him after Larsa joins the political party. If the party does this, he will reward them with ii Hi-Potions and an Ether.

Spoilers end here.

Gameplay [ ]

Judges appear equally enemies, often accompanying the Gauge Magisters in battle. Ghis, Bergan and Gabranth are fought as bosses during the story.

Trial Manner is a bonus fashion exclusive to the Zodiac versions. Its stage 100 boxing is against all Judge Magisters: Judge Gabranth, Estimate Ghis, Judge Bergan, Judge Drace, and Judge Zargabaath. This is the final level of the trial and considered its ultimate challenge. This thus adds Drace and Zargabaath, who are non fought as bosses during the master storyline.

Musical themes [ ]

"Upheaval (Imperial Version)" from Last Fantasy XII


The "Theme of the Empire" is played in many scenes associated with the Archadian Empire. The theme "Upheaval (Regal Version)" plays in all the boss battles against the Judges.

Other appearances [ ]

Final Fantasy Record Keeper [ ]

Some of the Judge Magisters appear in Final Fantasy Tape Keeper.

Mobius Final Fantasy [ ]

Mobius Judge Outfit.png

Bergan, Gabranth and Drace appear on a job carte.

Last Fantasy Trading Card Game [ ]

The Gauge Magisters appear in Final Fantasy Trading Bill of fare Game. Each represents a dissimilar chemical element.

Backside the scenes [ ]

The Judges in the world of Ivalice appear to not only describe inspiration from judiciary powers and chivalric order knights closest to the monarchy, merely also from samurai, specifically retainers in the service of daimyo and the aristocratic courtroom. Many of the Guess Magisters article of clothing horned helmets, about notably Gabranth. In pre-Meiji Restoration Nippon, some samurai armor incorporated a horned, plumed or crested helmet used to identify military commanders on the battlefield. Popular culture has come to associate horned helmets with Vikings, although there is no evidence that Viking helmets had horns. Horns as a symbol represent strength and aggressiveness.

The Imperial Legatus armor designs in Concluding Fantasy XIV are based on the Archadian Judges' armor.

The English language voice recording for Concluding Fantasy XII was done in Los Angeles under the direction of Jack Fletcher, just the localizers did not desire to utilize the "go-to anime voice actors", especially for the Judges who habiliment full-face helmets and thus didn't demand the voice actors to be able to match the lip animations. Stage actors were auditioned for the parts, many of who had never washed phonation interim earlier.[ane] For many of the Judges the localization team did ADR recording to picture without the actors seeing the picture, largely British stage actors who recorded in a studio in the UK with the squad giving direction over an ISDN line.[2]

Trade [ ]

Judge Magister busts.

The collector's editions for The Zodiac Historic period include busts for the Judges.

Gallery [ ]

References [ ]

  1. Edge #278 Tale of Tales Come across Alexander O Smith the translator who'due south brought some of Nippon's biggest RPGs to the W p. 95
  2. A Voice for Ivalice: The Localization and Phonation Acting of Last Fantasy XII (Accessed: Apr 01, 2020) at US Gamer


Source: https://finalfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Archadian_Judges

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